Thursday, October 24, 2013

Surgery October 17-30 2013

October 17 Nathanael is out of surgery in his room now. They are hopeful they got the tumor, biopsy will tell us for sure. He is in a lot of pain and has a chest tube for now. I see what a blessing it was to have it removed immediately after the right lung tumor was removed. It causes it's own set of pain and problems. It will stay in until they are certain the lung will not collapse. His finger from his last infection is healing but is still pretty ugly. 

This little guy has been through so much it is hard not to just break down when you think about everything or looking at him this moment. We have a long night ahead. Keep him in your thoughts and prayers.

Thank you all, I will let you know if things change.

October 18 Thankful for a pretty good night and for pain management. He had to be moved for the x-ray today and that was hard. The x-Ray looked good regarding the air in the lung, if all looks good today and if the x-Ray in the morning looks good maybe the chest tube comes out tomorrow. It seems most of his pain and discomfort is coming from that. 

We will not know much about the biopsy for a couple of days. We do hope shows something to indicate they got the small tumor.

For today not much going on just watching to make sure he is doing well and keeping his pain under control.

He does get push chemotherapy back a week because of this surgery. Maybe we can pack him full of calories during that week off : ) he will start again October 27
October 19 The chest tube says in for now. Today's x ray showed air slowly leaking from the lung. The radiation Nathanael has had to his lungs causes them to be less spongy and healing will take a couple extra days. Hopefully healing will take place and that it is just a delay. Poor guy his O2 keeps dropping today and he is still in a lot of pain. : ( He has not moved around much and that will have to change today chest tube or not. It will not be a fun day.

October 20 Nathanael had a pretty good nights sleep! Today's x-ray was a bit better. His lung is fully inflated and hopefully healing. Now he has 24 more hours of suction on the chest tube and 24 hours of water seal. If all goes well he gets it out on Tuesday. His oxygen is still dropping on room air but hopefully when the tube comes out he won't need help. He looks a ton better today we got out and took a walk though the hospital. We had to visit the giftshop! It was an adventure getting all his equipment and pumps on a regular wheelchair, lots of tape lol. 

His eating is still pretty poor. Goal for tomorrow is to eat something more than he has been.

October 22 Chest tube still in! 

This is so crushing, his lung is still leaking. It needs to heal. For now he stays put. I really pray that we don't see anymore tumors in the lungs after this, I don't think they could take another surgery. I do hope there is better news to update soon.

October 23 CDIFF positive. So after spending two hours cleaning the hospital room with 2nurses I sit here with gloves and a gown.

Can we be done for now! In the last two months alone we have been through plenty. I would very much like some time off from "Crappy". I am not asking for smooth sailing just a break from all the yucky stuff so we could deal with the chemo.

Yesterday he felt pretty good today all day not good and now we know why. This poor kid! No wonder he doesn't want to eat.

His oxygen does look better. Hopefully the lung is healing. As a family we are all tired of this stuff. We also need a break from people telling us
"That never happens, I have never seen that, it is rare or any form of those" I used to think certainly we at not that different. Now I am starting to buy into it.

Lottery please!!!

October 24th Day 8 Nathanael's lung is still leaking they say it is a small leak and it is just gonna take some time. 24 more hours on suction. Another X-ray in the morning.

The C.Diff is being treated with (oral liquid) antibiotics. I am not showing signs of it yet but it is possible I will get this too because of our close contact.

For now we sit tight...

October 30, 2014
Packed our bags and we were outta there. That was a very long and icky hospital stay he was weak yet strong in sprit.

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